Update on Administrative Leave and Mandatory Compensatory Time, Effective May 9, 2020


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5/8/20; 1:43 PM

Based on UNC System Office guidance released yesterday, the following pay and leave provisions will remain in place for university employees, effective May 9 and until revised or rescinded:

1.  Paid administrative leave will continue for permanent university employees for time when they are not required to work on campus to maintain essential campus operations and cannot perform work remotely.  In addition, the extended paid leave will continue to apply to permanent staff who are:

  • Unable to work due to childcare or eldercare needs created by school or other facility closures; or
  • Experiencing symptoms of a cold, flu or COVID-19, or caring for a dependent sick with such symptoms.

2.  Mandatory employees will continue to receive 1/2 hour of compensatory time for each hour required to work on campus through May 22.

Under yesterday’s guidance, UNC Interim President Roper also extended authority to campus Chancellors to propose temporary employee furloughs for their institutions’ auxiliary and receipt-supported enterprises experiencing significantly reduced revenues due to COVID-19 reduced campus operations.  This authority is consistent with provisions contained within both the State of North Carolina and UNC System communicable disease emergency policies.  If this option is considered, a furlough plan must be submitted to the UNC System Office of Human Resources for review prior to implementation.  If a furlough plan is implemented, affected employees would be placed on temporary leave without pay status but would continue to participate in the State Health Plan (with employer contribution) and accrue leave and total state service credit.

Please also note that we recently communicated with you about paid leave available to eligible employees under the new Federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), effective May 1.  You are encouraged to review those criteria and contact the Office of Human Resources if any of the conditions may be applicable to you.

We will continue to keep you apprised with as much notice as possible as circumstances continue to evolve and be evaluated.