Flexible Work Arrangements - Terms & Conditions

1. The employee understands that this agreement does not change the basic terms and conditions of employment and that the establishment of a flexible work arrangement does not create a guarantee, right, or entitlement to such an arrangement for the employee. The nature of the employee's work and responsibilities must be conducive to a flexible work arrangement without causing disruption to performance and/or service delivery.

2. The employee agrees to comply with all Appalachian State University policies and procedures and to maintain productivity, performance, communication, and responsiveness standards when working both on-site and remotely. Employees with a flexible work arrangement must be able to perform their duties free of external obligations and unreasonable interruptions.

3. The employee agrees to follow the work schedule and work location(s) noted above unless these are subsequently modified by, or in consultation with, the employee’s manager. FLSA non-exempt employees must maintain accurate time records. The employee understands that an approved flexible work arrangement does not unto itself change the compensation and benefits for which the employee is eligible.

4. The employee agrees to follow all information security policies and procedures established by Appalachian State University, including all requirements regarding the security, confidentiality, and integrity of university records and information.

5. The employee understands that the employee’s duty station is their designated on‐site University work site. Employees who are working from an alternative location cannot receive mileage reimbursements or record time worked for travel between their alternate work location and their assigned duty station (i.e., their “normal commute”), consistent with state and university policy and procedure. Employees approved for flexible work locations are expected to be able to report to their on‐site duty station within a reasonable period of time as determined by management.

6. The employee understands that all university materials remain the property of the Appalachian State University. The employee’s management will ensure that materials, equipment, and other items provided for use in a remote work environment comply with safety standards. The employee will return all university-owned property to the Appalachian State University no later than the employee’s separation date or date of termination of the remote work arrangement.

7. The employee agrees to review a safety attestation checklist if their flexible work arrangement includes remote work and attests: that the furniture, equipment, and other materials supplied by the employee or university for their alternate worksite is in compliance with established safety requirements, is free from hazards, and is ergonomically appropriate; that the employee will provide written notice to their manager prior to any change in location or condition of their alternate worksite; that the employee will use the same safety rules and practices applicable to their on-site workspace when at the alternate worksite; and, that the employee will follow the usual university procedures for immediate reporting of work-related illness or injury occurring at their alternate worksite. Appalachian State University’s liability for job-related accidents continues during the employee’s approved remote work hours and approved work location.

8. The employee understands that remote work arrangements outside of North Carolina may be subject to the laws and regulations of other states or countries with respect to the employee/employer relationship, that employees are expected to cooperate with Appalachian State University’s compliance programs for tax withholding; and that employees remain individually responsible for the payment of employee income taxes, including ensuring that sufficient taxes are remitted to taxing authorities through withholding or estimated payments.

9. The employee understands the University’s commitment to administer both the availability and the terms of flexible work arrangements equitably based upon applicable factors and without regard to an employee’s race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status.

10. All flexible work arrangements must be reviewed by management periodically and may be altered or revoked by management at any time, based on operational needs of the work unit, unsatisfactory employee performance, or violations of the conditions of this policy. Initial approvals for flexible work arrangements should be assessed for viability approximately 60 days after initial approval and at least annually thereafter during the annual performance appraisal process. Management must provide employees notice of at least 30 calendar days prior to revocation of, or significant changes to, an employee’s approved flexible work arrangement. Exceptions to the notice requirement may be made, in consultation with the Office of Human Resources, due to employee misconduct, significant performance deficiencies, and/or to address critical operational needs.