As we previously reported, the approved State Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19 provides a one-time award of five days (40 hours) of Special Annual Leave to eligible leave-earning state employees. The Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) has issued its guidance on application of this special leave and the leave hours are now available for use.
The following conditions apply to this Special Annual Leave Bonus award:
- The special leave award applies to employees in permanent, probationary or time-limited, leave-earning appointments as of July 1, 2018.
- Part-time leave-earning employees are awarded an amount of hours proportionate to their FTE value.
- Leave-earning employees who work less than 12 months are awarded an amount of hours proportionate to their appointment term.
- Unlike some previous bonus leave awards, this special leave may only be applied to time off and will not have cash value upon separation from employment.
- Unused leave will not expire except upon separation of employment in state service.
- The special leave may be used prior to accrued compensatory time, vacation leave, other bonus leave or sick leave, at the employee’s discretion.
- The special leave may not be donated as Voluntary Shared Leave.
- The special leave must be used prior to using donated Voluntary Shared Leave.
- Any employee having vacation leave in excess of 240 hours (30 days) as of December 31 of each year will have the amount of excess vacation leave that would ordinarily convert to sick leave reduced by the amount of this special leave taken in that year.
- The special leave award is effective July 1, 2018. Any eligible employee who has applied another form of leave to an absence occurring on or after July 1, 2018 may elect to submit an amended time sheet to apply the special leave instead. Instructions for amending previously approved time sheet can be found on the Payroll Office’s website at:
- To report use of this special leave on your monthly time sheet, leave report or amended time sheet, use code SLB (Special Leave Bonus).
The full OSHR Guidance and FAQ’s can be found by clicking the links below:
Special Bonus Leave Provisions
Eligible employees may log into Banner Self-Service to view their special leave balances.
If you have any further questions regarding this special leave award, please contact the Office of Human Resources at or 3187