Dear UNC System Colleagues, On Monday, March 28, the UNC System will kick off our third Employee Engagement Survey; previous surveys were administered in 2018 and 2020. This is a significant opportunity for your voices to be heard on various workplace issues. The anonymous survey results will help identify important employment trends and issues across the UNC System. We need your candid feedback about what is working well, where we need to improve, and what we can do better to best support you and your work on behalf of the University’s mission. This coming Monday, you’ll receive an email directly from ModernThink, our survey administrator, with more information and your link to access the survey. This survey is confidential, so your response will not be linked to your name. I hope you will be open and forthcoming in sharing your views. As public employees, we have many opportunities to do great work for the public good, help educate our students, and move North Carolina forward. Your contributions and those of your colleagues allow the UNC System to be a beacon of access and affordability for everyone in our state. Thanks in advance for your participation in this survey and, especially, for the value you add to our universities. Sincerely, |