When AppState is the Borrowing Agency
- Department who will be using the employee’s services must request and receive written permissions from the Parent Agency. (See Dual Employment Instructions for Borrowed Employees)
Department completes Section One of State Budget Form CP-30. The completed form should be provided to AppState’s HR for review upon completion.
Permissions & Communications
Email the appropriate supervisor contact from the Contact List at the agency or university the person is currently working for. Request that the supervisor verify the employee is eligible for dual Employment. Request the names and email addresses of the appropriate Administrative Head or designee, the agency/university individual with delegated signature authority, the employee’s immediate supervisor and a contact at the agency/university HR department.
Email the Administrative Head, Immediate Supervisor and HR contact with information below:
- Name, title, and email of employee,
- Scope of the work that will be performed,
- Hours and days employed, and
- Amount of payment for services performed.
CP-30 Form
Department completes Section One of the State Budget Form CP-30 including the Analysis of Payment to Parent Agency and submits the form with the permission email communications to HR. Once all approvals are obtained and all questions are answered; the form must be fully signed by AppState representatives.
If the person is teaching, you will need to provide a Dean’s Recommendation form to Academic Affairs. You will add a note to the form indicating the CP30 form has been completed and is with HR. You will need to notify the Contract Manager in Academic Affairs when the CP30 form has full approval.
If payment is to be made for services, the rate must be agreed upon in advance and may not be increased merely because additional funds become available. Neither are retroactive payments permissible to persons who have already performed services without compensation.
Human Resources
HR will review the CP-30 Form to ensure it is appropriately completed. HR will then make any corrections needed and submit the form to the HR contact at the Parent Agency. HR will send background check form to employee and process background checks – if applicable. HR will then return the CP-30 Form to the department once both Borrowing and Parent Agency have approved.
Department secures signatures on Section One of the CP-30 Form via DocuSign or wet original signatures. The fully signed form must be held at the Department until services are completed.
Once services are rendered, the department will submit the form back to the Parent Agency for signatures via Docusign or US Mail (wet original signatures). The Parent Agency must sign and return the form to the department. Department will submit the executed form with the request for payment. (The department can use file share to send and receive the form).
Controller's Office (Payments)
All payments for services must be made by the borrowing agency directly to the Parent Agency of the employee.
Employee’s travel and/or subsistence expenses, if any, agreed upon in advance and incurred in the performance of services for the borrowing agency, will be paid directly to the employee by the Borrowing Agency. Following the University’s travel policies and procedures including pre- authorization. (Commuting expenses are excluded)
When services are completed, payments are made to the Parent Agency by the NCFS Cash Transfer System.
NCFS Cash Transfers (New)