Updates on Legislative Salary Increases and Special Bonus Leave

Updates on Legislative Salary Increases and Special Bonus Leave

The approved State Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 provides legislative salary increases for state employees and awards three days of bonus leave to leave-earning state employees.  This communication is to update you on the implementation status of these legislated awards.

Legislative Increases for SHRA Employees:

Eligible SHRA employees will receive a $1,000 increase to their June 30, 2017 base salaries, effective July 1.  All permanent, probationary and time-limited SHRA employees are eligible.  Eligible part-time SHRA employees will receive increases proportionate to their FTE values.  Employees who separate from state service prior to July 1 and those hired on or after July 1 are not eligible for the increase.

This Legislative Increase has been implemented and will be reflected in July payroll for eligible employees.

Legislative Increases for EPS (Formerly EHRA) Employees:

EPS employees will not receive legislative increases in an across the board fashion.  Instead, appropriated funding for EPS increases will be used to create a pool to be distributed to eligible EPS employees based primarily on merit, with secondary consideration for equity and/or market factors.

Guidance regarding this EPS “Annual Raise Process” (ARP) was issued today by UNC General Administration.  The guidance requires all UNC system campuses complete the EPS ARP no later than October 31, 2017 and clarifies that all increases awarded in the process will be retroactive to July 1.  We will begin working immediately on implementation procedures for our campus with a goal of completing the process for September payroll.

Special Bonus Leave:

Eligible leave-earning SHRA and EPS employees will receive three days of bonus leave.  Unlike previous bonus leave awards, this leave may only be applied to time off and will not have cash value upon separation from employment.  Part-time leave-earning employees will receive bonus leave awards proportionate to their FTE values.

We are awaiting guidance from the Office of State Human Resources regarding eligibility and implementation of this bonus leave.  We will work as quickly as possible to create the leave balances upon receipt of final guidance.

Please watch carefully for additional updates as we receive further guidance and work to complete implementation of these awards. 


If you have questions about any aspect of these awards, please email us at hr@appstate.edu or call us at 3187.

Published: Jul 28, 2017 8:48am
