The UNC System Strategic Plan includes a commitment to fostering diverse and excellent institutions, including a goal to "systematically focus on recruitment, retention, and development of the most talented and diverse workforce possible at all levels." In support of this goal, the Strategic Plan prescribes that the System will implement a plan to measure key success metrics, including faculty and staff engagement. As a part of this plan, each institution in the UNC System participated in a system-wide Employee Engagement Survey three times over a five-year period, beginning in 2018, to gather input from faculty and staff about workplace engagement.
The UNC System engaged ModernThink LLC, an independent research and consulting firm that specializes in higher education climate assessment, to administer our engagement survey process. All UNC campuses and the System Office participated in the first of the three surveys in 2018. The same survey was replicated in 2020 and 2022, to measure progress toward identified improvement goals.
The 2024 survey was launched on March 25, 2024, and concluded at 11:59 PM on April 12, 2024. The 2024 survey, like its predecessors, focused on a core set of items to benchmark against prior surveys, items related to diversity and inclusion, and several items specific to institutional actions taken in response to recent developments and feedback from prior surveys.
Honest feedback matters. The surveys and their results will allow Appalachian State University and system leaders to recognize successes and understand concerns that influence workplace culture. Among the topics explored are collaboration, communication, supervision, workplace culture, and benefits. The survey results may also assist the UNC System in advocating for improvements to human resources policies at the statewide level that are generally beyond the University’s institutional control. More information is available on the UNC System website.
Survey participation is voluntary and completely confidential. Only ModernThink will have access to individual employee responses.
Survey Results
ModernThink compiled data after each survey. The summarized data was shared with UNC institutions, and was presented to the UNC Board of Governors. Please remember that this survey cannot address every issue of concern at your institution, and not all issues can be resolved by your institution itself (for example, some positive changes might require legislative action by the NC General Assembly). However, the information you and your colleagues provide through the survey will help your institution's leadership and the UNC system leadership to prioritize issues so that they can be addressed to the greatest extent possible.
System-Wide Results (2022)
2024 Communications
2022 Communications
- Message from Human Resources (3/28/22)
- Message from UNC President, Peter Hans (3/24/22)
2020 Communications
2018 Communications