Classification and Compensation


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Employees who are subject to N.C.G.S. 126 (the North Carolina Human Resources Act) are called “SHRA” employees (“Subject” to the HR Act). This includes most but not all staff positions. Policies for SHRA employees are under the authority of the State Human Resources Commission and are administered by the Office of State Human Resources (OSHR). The UNC System Office exercises delegated authority for many SHRA policies as they apply to University employees and the UNC System constituent institutions.

Each UNC constituent institution has limited authority to develop policies and procedures, consistent with these policies, that are specific to their institution.


The Classification and Compensation Group consults with and advises University managers and supervisors on the following:

  • organizational structure,
  • evaluation of work and classification assigned to those positions that are Subject to the Human Resources Act of North Carolina (SHRA)
  • and compensation issues.

In addition, the Classification & Compensation Group approves the establishment of new SHRA positions and performs the study of existing positions in the Career Banded System.

As the needs of departments change and positions evolve, this Group assists current employees by providing them with the necessary information for making career growth decisions.

NOTE:  All actions submitted to the Office of Human Resources will be responded to in the order they are received and within 30 days.


All staff (SHRA) positions at Appalachian State University are subject to or exempt from Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The determination of FLSA status will be made by the Office of Human Resources.


EPS Non-Faculty

Employees who are exempt from N.C.G.S. 126 (the North Carolina Human Resources Act) are called “EPS” (Formerly EHRA) employees (“Exempt” from the HR Act). This includes university faculty and EPS non-faculty staff. Policies for EPS employees are under the authority of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors and are administered by the UNC System Office. 

There are two types of EPS Non Faculty employees, Senior Academic & Administrative Officers and Instructional, Research, or Public Service (IRPS). 

The Classification and Compensation Group consults with and advises University managers and supervisors on the following:

  • organizational structure,
  • evaluation of work assigned to those positions that are Exempt from the State Human Resources Act of North Carolina (EPS)
  • and compensation issues.



Please contact Academic Affairs for information.