Years of Service

There are three types of service credit maintained for State employees. Specific uses of each type of service are made for various policy and fringe benefits, such as retirement and leave. The types of service credit are:

  • Total State Service
  • Continuous State Service
  • Creditable Retirement Service

Each of these types is described below. This information is also availabe in the full Creditable Service policy from the Office of State Human Resources for more.

Total State Service

This service credit is the grand total of all permanent, probationary, and time-limited time, either full-time or part-time (regularly scheduled 20 hours or more each workweek), which an employee has served in State government or other recognized public sector systems.

This type of service does not have to be continuous. Breaks in service are not counted in the computation for credit.

Total State Service time is credited for employment with the following:

  • Any State agency (subject to or exempt from the State Human Resources Act);
  • Employment with other governmental units which are now State agencies (Examples: county highway maintenance forces, War Manpower Commission, Judicial System);
  • Authorized military leave from any of the governmental units for which service credit is granted provided the employee is reinstated within the time limits outlined in the State military leave policies;
  • Authorized workers' compensation leave from any of the governmental units for which service credit is granted;
  • Employment with the county Agricultural Extension Service; Community College System and the public school system of North Carolina, with the provision that a Creditable Service Creditable Service school year is equivalent to one full year (credit for a partial year is given on a month-for-month basis for the actual months worked);
  • Employment with a local Mental Health, Public Health, Social Services or Emergency Management agency in North Carolina if such employment is subject to the State Human Resources Act; and
  • Employment with the General Assembly (except for participants in the Legislative Intern Program and pages). All of the time, both permanent and temporary, of the employees shall be counted; and the full legislative terms of the members.

Credit is given for any month in which an employee is in pay status for one-half or more of the workdays and holidays in that month.

Permanent part-time employees earn service time on the same basis as permanent full-time employees. It is not prorated.

View Your Years of Service

Years of service may be viewed in AppalNet:

  • From, select AppalNet
  • Select Login to Self Service
  • Select the Employee tab
  • Select the Payroll option to expand the section
  • Select the Additional Employee Data option to view Service Time

An employee who believes his/her records are incorrect should email the Office of Human Resources (

Continuous State Service

This type of service is the period of unbroken employment for employees under the State Human Resources Act. Only permanent uninterrupted employment status under the State Human Resources Act is creditable toward this time.
This type of service is used to establish eligibility for filing grievance appeals to the State Personnel Commission. Please refer to the Discipline, Appeals and Grievances webpage for more information.

Creditable Retirement Service

This type of service is the length of time an employee has made contributions to the State Retirement System. It is not calculated the same as Total State Service. Refer to the Retirement System handbooks for further information.

This service time is used to determine eligibility for a retirement benefit (pension) and the amount of the retirement benefit.


If you have questions about Creditable Years of Service, contact the Office of Human Resources at